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Mary Coleman

Director, Board of Education

In 2016 I was appointed to the Colorado Springs School District 11 Board of Education. In 2017, I was formally elected by the community to complete the remainder of my term.

What began as a community-based effort to volunteer close to my children grew into a clear passion and direction for enhancing our community and the students whose lives are touched every day by public education. It became evident to me fairly quickly that, while complex and flawed, public education is filled to the brim with potential. I have never seen so many individuals driven to serve a mission that, quite literally, can change the world.

So much hangs in the balance for District 11. We have the momentum to leverage a movement focused on seeing and hearing ALL kids, energizing our educators, teaching students how to actively pursue learning that challenges them to grow, and building a society of motivated individuals who will profoundly impact our world in ways we can’t begin to forecast today.


I am running for the school board to see through a momentum that I helped start. During my term on the board I have helped a team of leaders move the district ahead on a bold path that will make the system better at doing what it’s meant to do - care for and educate the next generation.

I am intent on seeing through what I started, and hope to earn your vote in November for another four-year term to build a system of accountability that will allow our community to make what seems impossible, possible.

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Mary Coleman for D11

I am a caring and committed leader, dedicated to enhancing education for all children that is accountable and sustainable.


I am a mother. I am a wife. I am a committed community member.

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